Risk Pros Video Library
Video Listing - Check back often. We are adding new videos all the time!
Title | Description |
2 Seconds for Safety | Often times accidents happen because we act too quickly – before we consider all the variables that can lead to trouble. We move at such a fast pace that we act before we think. This is true when operating a vehicle or perfo ... |
7 Common Accident Causes | This training talk covers common unsafe acts and conditions that lead to accidents. Items covered include: Taking shortcuts, Over confidence, Poor housekeeping, Incomplete instructions, Ignoring rules and procedures, Distract ... |
A Safety Attitude | Sometimes it takes a serious accident or injury to someone else to get us to think about our own safety. Our attitude changes, and safety becomes a concern. We start to take extra precautions, follow directions, and wear the ... |
ABC’s of Safety | Some things are as simple as our ABC’s. In this session we go over the ABC’s of Safety- Attitude – Behavior- and Control. Attitude means your state of mind as you approach a task; Behavior is how you react to the specific ... |
Accident Investigation | In this session we cover the who, when, how and why of Accident Investigations. We stress that the object of the investigation is NOT to find who is to blame, but rather to determine the best way to prevent a recurrence of th ... |
Accidents Cost More Than you Think | When it comes to accidents, most people think about the obvious costs. The broken tool or piece of equipment, the injured individual, or the damaged property. But in all instances there are “hidden costs”. Things like lost ... |
Appropriate Topics | Its not always easy to come up with a safety talk that is appropriate for all audiences. This talk is designed to get us to consider the many common hazards found in the workplace; and how any of them can be turned into a le ... |
Asking for Trouble | Many accidents are caused by not thinking things through BEFORE we start a job! This is true when we perform routine tasks, as well as when we are doing something new. If we take just a minute or two to think about the step ... |
Attention to Driving | Driving is a very dangerous task that exposes us, our co-workers, other drivers, and even our families to serious injury and death. In this training we discuss the importance of staying aware of your surroundings while operat ... |
Awareness is the Key | Even though our days are filled with routines, it’s important to remember to stay situationally aware of our surroundings. We must constantly consider the hazards that can present themselves throughout the day. Things such ... |
Backing Up | One of the most difficult driving maneuvers is backing up, especially in a large vehicle like a truck. The best and safest thing to do in this situation is to use a spotter. This talk covers the reasons why and how a spotte ... |
Before and After | This session covers the things we should keep in mind if we ever witness an accident. As a witness we may provide critical information as to what occurred right before and after the accident. The investigation of the incide ... |
Blind Spots | We all know driving can be dangerous. To drive safely means to be aware at all times of the other vehicles in your vicinity. Perhaps the most important is proper monitoring of vehicles in your blind spots. In this session ... |
Bloodborne Pathogens | How do we catch a cold or flu? As we all learned with covid, viruses are spread by coming into close contact with a sick person for an extended amount of time, or by touching something they have handled and in doing so trans ... |
Boots | In this training talk we discuss the importance of selecting and wearing the right boot for the job. Most people do not consider their boots to be part of their Personal Protective Equipment. But the fact of the matter is t ... |
Buying Work Boots | When it comes to buying a pair of work boots it’s a bad idea to only consider the price. Remember you will wear these boots everyday for many months, so the cost is really just pennies a day. That’s why its more important t ... |
Carelessness | When we realize that 80% of all accidents are the result of ‘Unsafe Acts’, it’s easy to see how carelessness can be the cause. There are many reasons we may be careless - from someone rushing us; to our personal drive to ach ... |
Cell Phones | None of us can imagine our lives without our cell phones. They have become an integral part of our communication, social interactions, and information source. The problem is they can be a deadly distraction, especially whil ... |
Close Calls | Many times accidents “almost’ happen. If it weren’t for a couple of inches, a few seconds, or just plain luck, we would have had a major event on our hands. In this session we point out that these events are warnings that s ... |
Clothing | When it comes to what to wear to work, most people don’t give it much thought. In the discussion we cover the importance of choosing the right apparel for the job. From the shirt we wear, to the pants and shoes, it is criti ... |
Common Sense | Common Sense is really a matter of common experience. In this talk we examine a number of things everyone does that we know will lead to an increase in accidents. Things such as being in a hurry or being preoccupied, taking c ... |
Communication In Construction | This training session talks about the critical role of communication on the job. There are many things that can lead to mistakes and accidents, and miscommunication is at the top of the list. We discuss the need for eye cont ... |
Confined Spaces | In this tool box talk we cover the definition of a Confined Space, the hazards associated with a confined space, and what makes a confined space a “Permit Required” Confined Space. We cover the atmospheric conditions inside ... |
Courteous Driving | Driving on today’s roads is a dangerous and aggressive task. In order to lessen the stress, we propose making a conscious effort to be courteous behind the wheel. Being courteous can be accomplished by letting others go firs ... |
COVID-19 | In this session we discuss the protocols we need to follow in order to ensure our workplaces are not a breeding ground for communicable diseases like the Covid 19 virus. We stress the importance of the basics like social dis ... |
Cutting Pipe | One of the most dangerous tools we use is a chop saw. Injuries sustained by improper usage can be extremely serious - and even fatal. In this session we discuss the safety basics of how to prevent “Kick Back” accidents that ... |
Defensive Driving | In this discussion we consider the importance of staying actively engaged at all times when operating a vehicle. Statistics show that you are eight times more likely to be killed driving to work than at work. We discuss the ... |
Don't Give in to Distraction | This session discusses the many things in our work environment that can distract us and cause us to take attention off of what we are doing. Sometimes we don’t watch where we are going, or we don’t listen to what someone is ... |
Don't Take Chances with Lightning | There are many things on the jobsite that we can control; but the one thing we can’t control is the weather. However, there is something we can control and that is our actions when we know a rainstorm is approaching. In thi ... |
Don’t Blame Anyone | We all have a tendency to try and shift the blame to someone or something else when an accident occurs. But when it comes to performing an Accident Investigation, we must stick to the facts only and let the blame fall where ... |
Don’t Jump | This session encourages workers not to jump down from, off of, or over things on the jobsite. We stress that it only takes a few extra seconds to climb down from a piece of equipment safely rather than risk injury by a bad l ... |
Don’ts Of First Aid | Its always a good idea to have someone on your crew trained in First Aid. But this discussion is about what you shouldn’t do if you are NOT trained in First Aid. On-site first aid is intended to address minor injuries; but ... |
Dos and Dont's | Accidents typically happen because someone does something they shouldn’t do, or doesn’t do something they should do. In this discussion we explore some of the many things we do or don’t do that leads to accidents. We also p ... |
Driving in Adverse Weather | Driving in adverse weather conditions like rain, ice, and snow can be challenging, even for the most experienced drivers. In this discussion we cover tips to ensure you can safely navigate the hazards brought on by the weathe ... |
Driving Safely | Stay safe on the road with these essential driving tips! Whether you're a new driver or a seasoned pro, this video covers key practices for staying alert, avoiding distractions, and navigating different road conditions. Learn ... |
Dust Off Your Silica Knowledge | In this video session we talk about earth’s second most common mineral and how it can harm you if it is inhaled. We discuss where silica is usually found, how it is released, and what measures workers must take to prevent co ... |
Electric Tools | There are a wide variety of small hand tools used to provide services and create products. This session covers the basics of inspections, maintenance, usage, storage and personal protective equipment (PPE) required to work w ... |
Electric Tools and Shocks | In this video session we talk about the injuries that can result from receiving an electric shock while using a portable tool. We discuss the importance of inspecting tools and extension cords for any sign of damage, and alw ... |
Electricity | Stay safe while working with electricity by following these crucial safety guidelines! This video covers essential practices to prevent electrical accidents. From understanding circuit breakers to the importance of proper ins ... |
Emergency Action Plan | Most people don’t now that OSHA requires all employers to have an Emergency Action Plan. This plan is to be shared with employees, so they know what is expected of them in the event of such unexpected events as medical emerg ... |
Excavation Fundamentals | This training session covers the basic elements in OSHA’s Excavation Standard - Subpart P. In it we discuss the hazards associated with cave-ins, underground utilities, water accumulation, access and egress, trench protection ... |
Excuses Excuses Excuses | Accidents often happen because someone does something they shouldn’t, and oftentimes it is because they are trying to be productive. We remind everyone that working hard is not an excuse for making mistakes. In this trainin ... |
Extension Cords | Extension cords are a very common item in our work and homes. Even though they may appear to be safe, if there is anything wrong with them, they can lead to very serious accidents and injuries. That’s why it is imperative t ... |
Eye Protection | When it comes to personal protective equipment, the gear that protects our eyes is some of the most important. Whether we are cutting, chipping, grinding, drilling or welding there are particulates and harmful rays that can ... |
Fall Protection | Falls are the number one killer of workers every year. In this training session we cover the various means of Fall Protection and the importance of making sure it is in place prior to starting our task. Whether it’s in the ... |
Fatigue | Learn how to stay safe and alert by managing fatigue effectively! This video highlights the dangers of fatigue in the workplace and everyday life. From understanding the signs of fatigue to adopting healthy sleep habits, disc ... |
Fire Extinguishers | Many workers don’t realize there are different types of fire extinguishers for different classes of fires. Today we discuss the five classes of fires and the types of extinguishers needed to address each. We also go over the ... |
Five Reasons to Work Safe | There are many reasons to work safe and each of us is motivated by different ones. There is our personal health and well being, providing for our families, our position and reputation, concern for our co-workers, and even fo ... |
Flagging Traffic | One of the simplest tasks on a job is the flagger. But just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s not important. In fact, flagging is a very serious and critical task, and should not be taken lightly, or just given to the le ... |
Focus Four | OSHA has identified the four most deadly causes of injuries. They are Falls, Caught In or Between, Electrical, and Struck By. This discussion defines and examines each of these causes and covers what measures can be taken to ... |
Focus Items for Inspections | Work area inspections are an important basic Risk Management practice that should be done before beginning every task. In this discussion we cover these four items – tool condition, organization of your workspace, tripping ha ... |
Forklifts | We all know how useful forklifts and lulls can be on the job; and how they can make moving, lifting and loading things a lot easier. But forklifts can and do cause a lot of injuries every year. In this session we discuss th ... |
Frequency Leads to Severity | This training focuses on the need to reduce the number of accidents overall, because a lot of little accidents will ultimately result in a major incident if not addressed. Accidents hurt more than just people, they also dama ... |
Front End Loaders | One of the most common forms of heavy equipment on our jobsites is the frontend loader. These are very useful pieces of equipment; however, both workers on the ground and the people who operate them need to be aware of the ha ... |
Gasoline Safety | In this session we cover the dangers associated with gasoline, which is found on nearly every jobsite. We illustrate that gasoline can be deadly if not treated with the respect it deserves. We discuss the facts about fumes ... |
Geese | We’ve all seen geese flying in a “V” formation. In this talk we cover why they do it and how it can be applied to us as we work with one another to safely complete our daily tasks. We discuss how the geese share the respons ... |
Getting back to Work | The Holiday Season can be a period that can leave us physically and emotionally exhausted. For a week or two we abandon our typical routines and over eat, over drink, over spend, and under sleep. This can cause us to be a lit ... |
Getting into the Flow | In this training talk we examine the various means and methods of safely entering an active roadway from the shoulder of the road or an intersection. We discuss the importance of taking the time to be certain there is a larg ... |
GFCI | This session covers the fast acting electric device designed to prevent electrical shorts and shocks. We discuss how it works and how it is used to protect workers, especially in damp locations. OSHA standards also require t ... |
Give us your Input | It doesn’t matter if you are a seasoned veteran, or a brand new hire; each of us has the potential to bring additional insights and ideas to the workplace. That’s why this training session focuses on the fact that it takes p ... |
Good Footwear Beats Sore Feet | Most folks don’t give enough consideration to the proper selection of their footwear, despite the fact that we wear them every single day. In this discussion, we encourage your personnel to consider the demands of the job wh ... |
Grounding | In order to prevent electric shocks and the inevitable injuries that they create, it’s imperative that we be certain our tools are properly grounded before we begin a task. In the session we discuss the various methods used ... |
Guardrails & Barricades | Guardrails serve a very important purpose on our jobsites, but we can’t always presume they are as strong as they look. Many times they are dismantled and reassembled, and are weakened in the process. It’s also vitally impo ... |
Hand Tools | Many times we may think a hand tool isn’t hazardous to us. Consequently we don’t inspect them, maintain them, and wear the proper PPE when using them. Hand tools and especially power tool, can cause lacerations, amputations, ... |
Hands | Every day we call upon our hands to do a variety of tasks at home, at work, and at play. Yet, most people don’t realize how often they put their hands in danger. In fact, one third of all work related injuries involve some ... |
Hang Tight | This is a serious discussion about how to respond in the event of a sudden object appearing in your path when driving. If we attempt to evade the object we may create a situation where the reaction is worse than the original ... |
Hard Hats | One of the most common forms of Personal Protective Equipment is a hard hat. There is irrefutable proof that when you wear one, you stand a significantly better chance of surviving a blow to the head. The problem is many pe ... |
Haz-Com | OSHA regulations require employers to inform their workers of the hazards associated of any chemicals they are exposed to in the workplace. This talk gives an overview of the employee’s Right to Know Law or Hazard Communicat ... |
Haz-com Refresher | There are many products used in our work that can cause us harm if they get into our bloodstream. That’s why OSHA instituted the Hazard Communication standard the stipulates an employer must train employees on where to get i ... |
Hazard Awareness | This talk covers the need to be aware of the subtle differences in routine tasks that can lead to accidents. No two days, projects or tasks are the same. It’s important to do an assessment each day to determine if any new haz ... |
Hazardous Conditions | Each workspace has the potential to contain hazardous conditions. In this training talk we cover what many of them are, how do we find them, and what do we do when we discover one in our workspace. It doesn’t matter if we ... |
Hazardous Substances | There are countless chemicals and products we encounter in our work environment. In this session we discuss how chemicals can get into our bodies; and more importantly, what steps we can take to keep that from happening. We ... |
Heat | In this tool box talk we discuss the various ways to prepare for working in extreme temperatures in order to prevent overheating. We discuss the importance of proper hydration – what to drink, what not to drink and when to ... |
Horseplay | Practical jokes and people who play them do not belong in the workplace. The workplace is not the place for foolish behavior like throwing objects, running, or pulling pranks on co-workers. The training covers the unexpected ... |
Housekeeping | A clean, organized, clutter free workplace will always experience fewer incidents and accidents than a messy one. That’s because the opportunity for unsafe conditions will be significantly higher if the workplace is not main ... |
Housekeeping Culture | It makes sense that a well maintained workplace reduces accidents, improves efficiency, and creates a better impression of you and the company. Good housekeeping starts with simple steps, like keeping walkways and exits clea ... |
Hurricane Preparation | In many cases we are at the mercy of Mother Nature when it comes to dealing with the weather. Usually, weather events are minor and fleeting. It’ll be nice and sunny this hour, and rainy the next. But when it comes to hurri ... |
Hurry Up Can Hurt | At some point we all take risks in order to save a little time. In this talk we discuss the fact that the amount of time saved is inconsequential compared to the amount of time, and money, lost if something goes wrong. Typi ... |
If you Can't See it Don't Pull it | This may sound like a strange title, but it is actually related to something most of us are guilty of- and that is pulling on a hose, lead, cord or rope when we can not see what it is hung up on. More often than not, the hos ... |
In Harms Way | Many times during our work day we may put ourselves in a hazardous or risky situation without realizing it. Perhaps we are standing too close to someone performing a dangerous task, or we’re standing in a place where we coul ... |
Infection | In this session we discuss the importance of examining every injury, no matter how small they may seem, so that appropriate first aid measures can be employed to ensure that minor injuries stay minor. If we don’t, then there ... |
Into the Flow | In this training talk we examine the various means and methods of safely entering an active roadway from the shoulder of the road or an intersection. We discuss the importance of taking the time to be certain there is a larg ... |
Keeping Coworkers Safe | What makes a workplace safe? We all do. In this talk we identify a number of ways that we as individuals can make our workplace safer by performing simple acts that protect ourselves and our coworkers from injury. By looki ... |
Kill The Power | This safety session deals with a subject we are all guilty of doing at one time or another. That is, working on a tool or piece of machinery without first disconnecting or killing the power source first. It could be refuelin ... |
Ladder Refresher | We all use ladders, both at home and at work. But too many of us fail to follow the basic guidelines that ensure our ladder usage does not result in a fall and potential injury, especially at home. This talk covers the comm ... |
Ladder Safety | The use of ladders in the workplace and at home is a very common practice. The problem is many of us use the wrong ladder, or we use the right ladder in the wrong way. This leads to countless preventable accidents and injur ... |
Leading Causes of Injuries | In this discussion we cover some of the most common causes of injuries on the job. We cover the injuries and hazards associated with falls, impact accidents, physical overload, and working with machines. We give tips on how ... |
Lifting | When it comes to lifting- everyone knows we’re supposed to lift with our legs not our back. But that’s not enough. We need to think before we lift. We need to be certain we can safely lift, move and lower the object by our ... |
Lockout Tagout | In this session we share important information that is critical to safely performing maintenance on all types of machines and equipment we use in the performance of our work. We discuss the need to identify the energy source ... |
Look Before you Leap | This training talk is NOT about jumping off a cliff. It is about considering what the results of our actions are before we begin an activity. Sometimes we make decisions so quickly that we don’t have a chance to consider al ... |
Look Up | We often hear safety messages about watching where you are walking and looking down for tripping hazards. In this training talk we remind everyone to ‘Look Up’ for hazards as well. These hazards consist of low overhead cleara ... |
Lowering From Above | We’ve all heard about the proper way to lift things up to prevent back strains. But not much is ever said about lowering objects from overhead. The fact of the matter is many injuries occur because people don’t know how to ... |
Machine Guards | Many machines that we use at work are inherently dangerous. This talk covers the importance of guards installed by the manufacturer to protect the operator, those in the vicinity, and even the machine itself. The important t ... |
Materials Handling | One of the most common causes of injury is material handling. Picking up, carrying, storing and putting things down often leads to strains and sprains due to improper methods. This talk reminds us to think about hand prot ... |
Minor Injuries | Everyone is aware that accidents that result in serious injury must be reported. But, it’s also important to report even minor injuries that don’t seem to be serious. If left untreated, some of these insignificant injuries ... |
Moving Equipment | Often times our jobsite can be pretty congested, with a lot of moving vehicles and equipment. We can’t presume the operators are aware of everything and everyone in their vicinity. This session focuses on the do’s and don’t ... |
My Brother's Keeper | Introduction and outline for the My Brother's Keeper safety program. ... |
Near Misses | Many times when an accident ‘almost happens’ we shrug it off without recognizing that it was a warning. In this session we discuss the importance of learning from our mistakes and these near misses to prevent actual incident ... |
Noise | Jobsites can be noisy places- and with a lot of noise comes a lot of hazards. If the noise is loud enough, or continuous enough, it can actually lead to hearing loss if we don’t take the necessary steps to protect ourselves ... |
One Decision | Even the most experienced worker can sometimes make a poor decision that can lead to an accident. This tool box talk examines all the things that can cause an individual to make a bad decision; from complacency, to lack of kn ... |
Operator Error | In this talk we discuss an incident where an operator could not see what he was doing and the result was injury to two of his co-workers. The operator violated a principal rule - that being, if an operator can not see what h ... |
Overconfidence | It’s a good thing to be willing take on difficult tasks. Afterall, we need a bit of confidence to take on the challenges in our line of work. However, it is possible to be over confident when it comes to doing things the way ... |
Personal Fall Arrest Systems | Falls have been, and continue to be, the leading cause of deaths in construction. In this discussion we look at Personal Fall Protection Systems that involve “Active” participation on the part of workers. This includes the us ... |
Portable Generators | If you’ve ever needed power in a remote location you now how handy a portable generator can be. But- If it’s not used in a properly ventilated area a portable generator can become a silent killer. Each year there are many f ... |
Prevent Accidents | Some people think accidents are bound to happen. Others think it won’t happen to them. But- accidents can happen to anyone, and most accidents CAN be prevented. In this discussion we cover seven things you can do to preven ... |
Rear End Collisions | One of the most common motor vehicle accidents involves people making right hand turns at lights and intersections. Many times the lead vehicle begins to make the turn, and the following car also begins to go, but for some r ... |
Reasonable Suspicion Training | Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors ... |
Refueling | This tool box talk is about the correct and safest way to refuel tools, equipment and vehicles on the jobsite. It focuses on the fact that gasoline fumes are highly flammable, and as such precautions need to be taken to prev ... |
Report Accidents | Everyone knows they are supposed to report accidents to their supervisor. But what constitutes a reportable incident? In this talk we reinforce the importance of reporting ALL accidents, no matter how minor, or whether it i ... |
Report Minor Injuries | Understand the importance of reporting minor injuries with this essential guide! This video explains why even the smallest injuries should never be overlooked, emphasizing how timely reporting can prevent complications and im ... |
Rigging | In this toolbox talk we discuss the equipment and general rules involved in material handling when we use heavy equipment and rigging to move the load. OSHA’s Material Handling standard covers the various types of rigging an ... |
Right Tool for the Job | You may have heard the saying ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. It usually applies when we improvise and create a new way of doing something, or using a tool or something, to solve a problem. But, when we use the wrong ... |
RIPA Substance Abuse Update and Starting your Day | This training covers the need for performing a daily pre-check to ensure that routine tasks don’t lead to complacency. It requires the workers to perform a review of the worksite for hazards associated with: The weather, The ... |
RIPA Substance Abuse Update and Tis the Season | It’s that time of year when holiday visitors, shoppers, and vacationers are all sharing the same space. Unfortunately, it happens to be the same space we are working in. Rather than try and compete with them or one another, ... |
Risk Resolutions | Each year we make resolutions for the New Year. Typically they focus on our health, and things we will do to improve our wellness. This talk asks us to consider making resolutions at work and at home about our safety. We ... |
Risk Riddle | Today’s talk covers the idea that if we look at a task and see a lot of danger we don’t take many risks; but when the task seems easy or routine, we sometimes overlook the hazards or get de-sensitized to the danger. Hence th ... |
Routines Can Be Dangerous | There are a great many things we do during the workday that are repetitive in nature, or that we do very frequently; and as a result it becomes part of a routine. But routines tend to make us complacent and desensitized to t ... |
S-A-F-E-T-Y | In this discussion we use the letters in the word safety to remind everyone that safety is a multifaceted activity. If you use your senses and stay aware of your surroundings, stay focused on what you are doing, concentrate o ... |
Safe Lifting | Lifting is something we all do everyday. In fact, we do it so often we seldom even think about doing it properly. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one size fits all set of rules for safe lifting; but there are certain steps we n ... |
Safety = Quality | Many people are under the misconception that working safely impedes productivity. But in this talk we demonstrate how doing a job safely will actually improve quality and as a direct result improve productivity by reducing t ... |
Safety Basics | We all encounter countless hazards in a our day to day lives. This session discusses some things to consider each and every time we come to work. From what clothes and shoes to wear, to housekeeping, proper tool usage, safe ... |
Safety off the Job | We need to remember to practice the same safe work habits at home that we do at work. The tasks are often the same, the tools are the same, and the risks are just as high. So, even though no one is watching or making us wor ... |
Safety vs Risk Management | Safety isn’t something we say or wear. Safety is a condition we put ourselves in when doing a task. Risk Management is an action we take when we identify something in our task that can do us harm or go wrong. For example, ... |
Save a Life Today | In this session we stress that ensuring everyone works safely is just as much your job as it is the safety manager, your supervisor or anyone else. We share a brief poem that describes the devastating results of failing to w ... |
Seat Belts | There is one type of Personal Protective Equipment that saves more lives every year than any other. It’s one that we all learn to use at an early age. It’s the seat belt. In this discussion we examine some of the misconcep ... |
Secure Your Cargo | Each day we transport all types of cargo on all types of vehicles. But one thing is certain, we want the cargo to stay on the vehicle until we reach our destination. Because losing even the smallest article on an active roa ... |
Setting a Good Example | This tool box talk is directed at the “old hands’ on the team. It reminds them that they are the ones who should be setting an example for how things are supposed to be done. New hires will always mimic the behaviors of tho ... |
Shortcuts | Everyone takes shortcuts, usually to save time, but every shortcut involves an increase in risks. Whether it’s taking the quickest way between two points, not having the right PPE for the task, or improvising and using a tool ... |
Situational Awareness | Situational awareness is the heart of risk management. It is an assessment of your environment for anything that can bring you harm. Whether at work, at home, or at play, we should quickly review our surroundings for anythin ... |
Slips, Trips, and Falls | Taking a tumble in the workplace is a very common occurrence. It also happens to be one of the most frequent causes of on the job injury. In this discussion we cover a number of things you need to be on the lookout for that c ... |
Slow Speed Ahead | We realize this is a nautical term, but it still applies to our actions on the jobsite. If you are operating equipment, machinery or vehicles, and proceed cautiously and slowly, you will have time to react and stop if neces ... |
Starting your workday | This training covers the need for performing a daily pre-check to ensure that routine tasks don’t lead to complacency. It requires the workers to perform a review of the worksite for hazards associated with: The weather, The ... |
Stay Focused | There are countless things that can cause our minds to wander in the middle of a task- from distractions on the jobsite, to concerns about our homelife, even complacency and overconfidence. Unfortunately, when we take our mi ... |
Stretching | We may not be preparing for a marathon, but there is one thing we should do before we start our workday, and that is stretching and warming up the muscles we are about to call to action. Most people don’t consider manual lab ... |
Summertime Safety | Every season presents its own hazards. In this session we talk about the hazards associated with the unique activities that we do during the Summer months. We encourage everyone to think about safety when they perform certa ... |
Task Hazard Analysis | In this session we discuss the development of a what is often referred to as a Task Hazard Analysis; where the objective is to identify the steps involved in a specific task, the potential hazards created while performing the ... |
Teamwork | It goes without saying that two men can often accomplish more than one can by themselves. But working with others has it’s own hazards. In the session we cover the basics of teamwork; which include planning what you are going ... |
Ten Safety Commandments | We all need guidelines to help us stay productive and safe. In this discussion we cover ten rules we should all follow to ensure our workplace is safe for us and our co-workers. These ten commandments cover things like use ... |
The Deadly Dozen | Every accident is caused by something. Usually it is an unsafe act the someone commits or an unsafe condition that someone creates or encounters. In the discussion we cover twelve common Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions of ... |
The Three “C’s” of Safe Driving | In this talk we cover the three C’s of safe driving – courtesy, caution and control. We discuss how being courteous will make driving less stressful. We remind drivers that company vehicles are larger and heavier and therefo ... |
Tis the Season | It’s that time of year when holiday visitors, shoppers, and vacationers are all sharing the same space. Unfortunately, it happens to be the same space we are working in. Rather than try and compete with them or one another, ... |
Tool Abuse | In this training talk we discuss the many ways tools are damaged on the job, from incorrect use, to intentional abuse, and even improper storage. We also cover the potential injuries that can come from such abuse. The most i ... |
Turning Left | Master the art of turning left safely with these vital driving tips! This video breaks down the steps to ensure a smooth and secure left turn. Learn how to navigate intersections and manage tricky situations to keep yourself ... |
Welcome to the Team | This talk starts with a simple question. If someone you knew started working here, would you help them learn the ropes? The answer is - yes. So why not treat every new employee as if they were a friend or relative? The ans ... |
What to Wear to Protect Yourself | Everyone agrees we should dress differently for work than play. But many people don’t give much thought to the protective role of their apparel at work. In this talk we stress the fact that regardless of which piece of pers ... |
What's New | Every day we encounter new things in our work environment. From new employees, tools, vehicles, machines to the weather or even new workspaces or jobsites. We stress how important it is to recognize that anything new can al ... |
Where do the Rules Come From | Most people think rules restrict them, but few people realize rules protect them. There is a saying that OSHA’s rules are ‘written in blood.’ That’s because every OSHA rule is the result of someone getting injured, maimed or ... |
Who’s Responsible | When it comes to avoiding accidents and incidents on the jobsite, everyone on the crew is responsible for ensuring that hazards are identified and taken into account before we start to work. We discuss the need for spotters t ... |
Why Toolbox Talks | In this discussion we focus on the importance of paying attention to and participating in toolbox talks and daily safety meetings. Taking a few minutes to discuss the tasks we are about to perform, and the hazards we are goi ... |
Wind Safety | There are many hazards we can easily avoid, because we can see them. But the wind is something we can’t see, and it can certainly wreak havoc when it decides to kick up a storm. From flying objects, to swinging doors, and di ... |
Working In The Heat | When temperatures and humidity reach certain levels, it becomes very dangerous for workers exposed to extreme Summer heat. In this discussion we go over the steps to take to prevent being overcome. There are three essential ... |
Working Safely in Loud Environments | It doesn’t take excessively loud noise to cause hearing loss. In fact, extended exposure to even moderate noise can be detrimental. As in all matters related to risk management, if we know about the risk we can take measures ... |
Working Under the Influence | Everyday workers show up on the jobsite feeling the effects of alcohol, and legal or illegal drug usage. This session warns of the dangers of being impaired as a result of excessive alcohol intake in the form of a hangover; ... |
Workplace Violence | There are many forms of workplace violence, from intimidating language to physical altercations. They can occur between workers and supervision, with co-workers, even workers and customers. This talk covers what to do to ens ... |